Jahaslist is the default domain categorization DB for NxFilter. We ship its baselist with a NxFilter package. At the moment, the number of domains in the baselist is more than 4.4 million. And there's a dynamic classifier for Jahaslist integrated to NxFilter. So, the size of your Jahaslist growing as you use NxFilter.
Some of our users use Globlist which is a part of Jahaslist and free for everybody. It supports Ads, Phishing/Malware, Porn categories only. The number of domains in Globlist is more than 1.1 million at the moment.
* Home users can use Jahaslist for free. Even if you are a business user, there's no limit for using Globlist for free.
Some of our users use Globlist which is a part of Jahaslist and free for everybody. It supports Ads, Phishing/Malware, Porn categories only. The number of domains in Globlist is more than 1.1 million at the moment.
* Home users can use Jahaslist for free. Even if you are a business user, there's no limit for using Globlist for free.